Student Solution


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1 University

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Week 15 Discussion_World Politics

Week 15 Discussion_World Politics

Q Do you believe the United Nations is still relevant? Please substantiate why or why not, including the integration of either Ambassador Rice's or Mr. Thornton's points in your response. Please also discuss, in your own view, what the biggest challenge is to the U.N. and why.

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According to me the United Nation is a worthwhile organization. Today’s world is interconnected thanks to globalization. So even if a gun is shot in Far East, the United States know about it and vice versa. If the Africans are being troubled in remote areas the people in Africa knows about them and today when the world is already torn by conflicts within nations and among one another, such news often becomes reason for another conflict that might take a huge turn. For example, when Trump banned seven Muslim states from entering the United States, that instigated the Muslims all over the world, but those in Afghanistan and Iraq got another reason to drop bombs against the United States and win people’s support against the United States.